Ayn Rand on Mike Wallace

Ayn Rand on Mike Wallace

There are only few TV interviews with famous author and philosopher Ayn Rand. Apart from her appearance on Donahue in 1980 in Chicago, there is another one: Ayn Rand on Mike Wallace. Although her appearance on this Interview and Talk Show is not as well-known as the aforementioned one it is not less fascinating. Publihshed and aired in 1959, the younger Ayn Rand – although scrutinzed by famous journalist Mike Wallace – defends and explains her unique philosophy Objectivism in her very own and personal way. She talks about a whole range and variety of topics – from the concept of love to her Philosophy Objectivism and contemporary politics, monopolies and Keynesianism. Ayn Rand on Mike Wallace even answers the iconic liberal rebuttal question: “But who would build the roads?!”.

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Ayn Rand on Donahue

on Mike Wallace

In April 1980, famous author and philosopher Ayn Rand was invited by late night talk host Phil Donahue. In one of the rare televised appearances of her, Ayn Rand on Donahue explains and lays out the foundamental principles and ideas of her unique philosophy of freedom: Objectivism. Watch the Phil Donahue Show and get an impression – even a personal one – of the once-in-a-century, then 75-year-old thinker, see her scrutinized by Donahue, defend her ideas against criticism and answering questions from the audience.

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Join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion!

ukrainian foreign legion

Defend Ukraine – defend freedom – defend our values – fight Russia! Ukraine has implemented the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, Інтернаціональний легіон територіальної оборони України against Russia and its heinous onlaught. It’s a military combat group of volunteers from all around the world standing up for our common values – liberty, prosperity, the rule of law – in defense of the independet state of Ukraine and the entire West against Russia’s war of aggression. More than 30,000 people from more than 52 countries have joined already. Here’s how!

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Remembering 9/11


On 11 September 2001 – twenty years ago today – enemies of freedom commited an act of war against the United States, the Free World as a whole and the Western Hemisphere. They attacked everything we stand for and hold dear: Our way of life, our very freedom, our capitalism, our pride, our dignity.

It’s time to remember.

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Since Monday, 10 May 2021, the State of Israel is under constant attack from terrorist and rogue groups in the Gaza Strip. The terrorists – organized as radical islamist fundamentalists called “Hamas” and “Islamic Jihad” – fired more than 2,300 “Qassam Rockets” into Israel. Here’s why #WeStandWithIsrael.

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Francisco d’Anconia’s Money Speech | from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged

Money Speech, Ayn Rand, Francisco d'Anconia

Listen to another of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged heroes – Francisco d’Anconia, owner of d’Anconia Copper. At a party, he suddenly hears someone say the words “You know, money is the root of all evil. And he is the typical product of money.” As a response, d’Anconia gives his favorite Money Speech.

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‘From each according to his ability to each according to his need’ – from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

From each according to his ability to each according to his need

This is a dialog between Dagny Taggart and a homeless, a former staff member of the Twentieth Century Motor Company which implemented the Communist Credo “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”.

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