Defend Ukraine – defend freedom – defend our values – fight Russia! Ukraine has implemented the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, Інтернаціональний легіон територіальної оборони України against Russia and its heinous onlaught. It’s a military combat group of volunteers from all around the world standing up for our common values – liberty, prosperity, the rule of law – in defense of the independet state of Ukraine and the entire West against Russia’s war of aggression. More than 30,000 people from more than 52 countries have joined already. Here’s how!
What’s the Ukrainian Foreign Legion
Ukrainian Foreign Legion is a military foreign legion military unit of the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine created by the Government of Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to fight in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The bataillion is open to volunteers from around the world. It’s stated goal is the defense of Ukraine against enemy Russian invadors.
How to Join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion
Joining the International Defense Legion of Ukraine is easy. It’s intended to be quick and without unnecessary red tape. Just follow the steps stated below.
Step #0

Be sure! You’re going to war after all! Have at least some military experience. You could die. Remember that. Check with your national laws – most countries outlaw and penalize fighting as a mercenary for a foreign country. However, Germany and the UK won’t prosecute voluntary fighters as an act of support for Ukrainian friends.
Step #1

Contact the Ukrainian Authorities in your country and state your ambitions. You can also use the website – and the online form available there (click ‘enlist’ in the upper right corner) and follow the instructions.
Step #2

After registering you will get a briefing. You will be told what documents and equipment is needed for administrative clearance. It is paramount that you can show proof of at least some experience in waepons or military combat.
Step #3

After having received your individual briefing you will have to hand in the required documents and information. You’ll then have an interview with the security or military attaché of the Ukrainian embassy and get preliminary clearance.
Step #4

Now you can write your official application letter and state your cause to fight for freedom!
Step #5

After having been accepted you will receive further instructions on how to arrive in Ukraine and what exactly you have to bring. You need military gear and clothing, body armor, a helmet and a yellow badge.
Step #6

You need to cross the border to Ukraine in a designated manner as you were told by the embassy.
Step #7

Report to the regular Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces you’ve been assigned to. You need to sign a contract upon arrival. You will be handed an assault rifle.